The Korean Honor Scholarship (KHS) Committee extends an invitation to Korean and Korean-American undergraduate and graduate students to compete for the 2020 Korean Honor Scholarship. This Scholarship was first established in 1981 with a gift of US $1 million dollars donated by the government of the Republic of Korea to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the opening of diplomatic relations between Korea and the United States. Over the next several years, an additional US$1.75 million was added to the fund by the Korean Government and now the fund totals $2.90 million. This scholarship is awarded to outstanding students of Korean heritage to encourage high achievement of academic performance and the development of leadership qualities for their future professional careers. The Korean Honor Scholarship Committee has awarded 3,222 scholarships to outstanding Korean, Korean-American and Korean-Canadian students over the past 38 years. To be eligible for consideration, applicants must be attending college or university in the United States and must have an overall grade point average of 3.0 or higher. In addition to academic achievement, the Scholarship Committee also considers an essay, a letter of recommendation, awards, honors, performances and extracurricular activities when making selections. 46 scholarships will be awarded in USA this year.
1. Important Dates for Year 2020 Contest
○ Application period: April 27 ~ June 12, 2020
○ First round evaluation at regional consular offices: June 15 ~ June 19, 2020
○ Final round evaluation by Central Selection Committee: June 29 ~ July 3, 2020
○ Scholarship Award presentation: after September 28, 2020
2. Amount of Scholarship: US$1,000
3. Allocation of Awards Will be subject to change according to the number of applications in each category and the amount of funds available.

4. Qualifications
(1) At the time of application, an applicant must be a full time 4-year college or graduate student who has achieved a grade point average of 3.0 or higher at least for the previous one academic year(Fall, 2019 ~ Spring*, 2020)
* If not available, Spring(2019) is also accepted.
※ The GPA should be on a 4.0 basis (Pass or Fail is not acceptable).
(2) Any students whose parents are Korean (either one or both) or any legally adopted Korean-Canadian students are welcome to apply.
(3) Scholarship will be awarded once in undergraduate and graduate level respectively. (Past beneficiary in graduate level must not apply for this scholarship)
5. Required Documents
(1) Application form:
Official school transcript, including the 2019-2020 academic year ※If the transcript GPA is not on a 4.0 basis or if letter grades are given, the applicant must convert the grades into those of a 4.0 basis. Submit both the converted grades record and the official original school transcript.
(2) A letter of recommendation from a professor at the applicant's institution
(3) An Essay written in English by the applicant: up to 500 words (point 12, double spaced)
A. Applicants must write under the following title: - My plans for success in my future profession and life in USA
(4) Résumé (including records of awards, extracurricular and volunteer activities, leadership, etc.)
A. Graduate students should list research publications and presentations in their résumé.
B. Especially student who gets graduate admission should submit the relating documents.
(5) Applicants of music or art field only: either one of the followings
A. Art student must submit a CD that 10 pieces of his/her original works are recorded in. The size and medium of works and the year when works were created must be specified in each work image.
B. Music student must submit a DVD that a 20-minute long his/her own performance is recorded in. Video or cassette tape will NOT be accepted.
C. Both CD and DVD must be submitted by one of the following recording types: Windows Media Player, QuickTime Player, and GOM Player.
(6) Adoptee and Handicapped students only: Documents to prove disability or adopted (such as copy of applicant's driver's license, or birth certificate etc. by related organization, other supporting documents)
(7) Only for Korean-American students who did not graduate middle and/or high school in Korea: either one of the followings (if applicable)
A. School transcript for the Korean language course(s) taken at a high school in US and foreign countries except Korea (B+ or higher).
B. "Certificate of Proficiency in Korean (Grade 5 or 6)", available by taking TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) administered by National Institute for International Education or Korea Institute of Curriculum & Evaluation .(
C. NEWL/Korean Test Score by American Council for International Education.
6. Selection Criteria and Process
□ Selection Criteria
○ Each Committees will comprehensively consider the submitted documents such as GPA, Recommendation letter, Essay, Resume etc.
□ Scholarship for regular students (AC, AG, KC, KG)
○ Submit applications to the regional consular office near your college or university.
※ Applicants from the Washington D.C. area (DC, MD, VA, WV) MAY submit the application directly to the Office of Education Minister Counselor at the Embassy of Korea, Washington, D.C.
→ First round evaluation at regional consular offices(Korean Education Center) → Final evaluation at Central Selection Committee → Approval by the Korean Honor Scholarship (KHS) Committee Chairman → Finalized
□ Scholarships for students in arts and Adoptee and handicapped students (SM, SA, HS)
○ Submit applications directly to the Office of Education Minister Counselor at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Washington, D.C.
→ Evaluation at Central Selection Committee → Approval by the Korean Honor Scholarship Committee Chairman → Finalized
7. Other Information
○ Applications will NOT be returned.
○ Unqualified applicants will NOT be reviewed and the evaluation process is confidential.
○ Applications must be submitted to the regional Korean Education Center CLOSEST TO YOUR HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION
○ For further information or any inquiries, please contact Korean Education Center closest to your college or university.
- Korean Education Center in Atlanta - Address: 3505 Koger Blvd, STE174, Duluth GA 30096 , Tel: 770-686-3949
<< Attachment>> 2020 Korean Honor Scholarship(KHS) Guidelines, 2020 Korean Honor Scholarship Application Form